It all started when I talked to Caleb (producer of CTD Productions) on Skype a long time ago, and he was pretending to be a "Crackpot Professor", Professor H. Rider Hasenpfeffer, a crazy person with a high voice. Anyway, I was laughing hysterically, and he was continuously saying he was Professor Hasenpfeffer. As time went by, I was eventually known as Professor Zimmerman, whom I then called Arby Zimmerman (Ar = R = Rutherford / by = B = Bouriguard). And then, a while back, we had a conversation via Skype as our Professors, and I got the idea for the first scene in the third episode of this series, which we wrote before "House Hunting". I told Caleb, and he thought it better to make it a half-hour production. So we took turns writing our separate scenes, coming out with what is now the episode "Professional Reunion" (so it was really the first episode we wrote). (You don't have to understand all that. Just act like you do)
Josiah Coates, Producer/Co-Writer/Sound Designer/Director